
In a world where industry has completely destroyed nature, a spirit of nature awakens to restore the balance!
Vinedetta is a fast paced platformer game developed by a group of 3 programmers and 4 artists from the Master of Videogame Development at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona
Overcome the obstacles while transforming everything you see into plants as you run through the levels in order to stop the polluting industry and restore the lost nature
Featured in GameJolt, Download it on GameJolt or here.

The Engine

Based on C++, DirectX11, HLSL, PhysX, Cal3D, Fmod, TheoraVideoPlayer and Lua
Entity - Component system architecture
Message Passage Interface to comunicate between Entities
Data driven using Expat to parser XML
Deferred rendering with data driven pipeline
Tools like the lighting editor and particle editor made with AntTweakBar
Spatial Indexing & Instancing applied to boost performance
Behavior Trees applied to Vinedetta, her sidekick, the enemies and final boss
Animation Engine with custom blending and parameterization
Small 2D Engine inside for the HUD and raster font
SFX Engine with Fmod
Own version of TheoraVideoPlayer in 64 bits from the 32 bits existing one
Xinput integration to allow console controllers
